iOS, Objective-C, Swift, Design and Whatever Comes in Mind

ClubNews Marketing: Flyer

We think ClubNews provides a value for most of our fellow students.
Therefore, we need to promote the app. The method of choice is printed flyers because most of the student-clubs related promotion happens with flyers that lay around in our canteen.

As we do not make any money with our project, it was kind of hard to justify the costs of printed paper. However, thought that money is spent well so we did it anyway.

Designing Flyers

The design process started back in summer. The main goal of a flyer is to be visually appealing and coming across with a main message.
It needs to be concise. Nobody pays much attention to flyers that laying around randomly. It needs to catch the 'users' attention when he glances over the table.
Combined with a visual appealing presence took the longest time during the design.

One of the ways to accomplish that task is to use both sides of the paper. We introduced a bright front and a dark back. In this way, we can provide different information on both sides, which brings us more space to come across with the message.
On the other hand we achive the 'oh look, a new flyer I don't know yet'-effect twice.

This is the result:


image of the first side of the flyer


image of the first side of the flyer

In addition to that, we also made stickers:

image of our stickers

We hope to become better known as the flyer spread beacuse we want to make the live of our students easer.

"ClubNews Marketing: Flyer".

ClubNews Marketing

ClubNews is my favorite side project. Together with a friend we started it in 2013.

With the iOS or Android app the user can gather what events and parties are planned for the next week. The user can follow the clubs they like and form a personal timeline.

image of the app

Clubs in the city I am studying in are run by fellow students. Those clubs host events of many kind.

ClubNews helps the students to get an overview of those events.

A few weeks ago we released the third redesign.

"ClubNews Marketing".

Swift 3: Conforming to Multiple Protocols

Have you ever tried to make a function that accepts a paramter that conforms to more than one protocol?
Or to declare a var that conforms to two protocols?

One way to accomplish this is

func duSomething4<T: protocolA>(argument: T) where T: protocolB {

I think that is not a good looking solution as you provide with additional type constraints after the method name and it gets split up.

The better way to do this is to use '&'. Using '&' you can chain protocol conformances together.

That being said, in a more convenient way you can write:

let aProperty: protocolA & protocolB = Something()
func duSomething1<T: protocolA & protocolB>(argument: T) {

Here are other ways I tried, please note the spelling mistake 😅

"Swift 3: Conforming to Multiple Protocols".